Resources for Boy's Literacy

Located below are websites and academic resources about boy's literacy. The video resources are very educational and I highly recommend viewing each one because they are hosted by leading professionals in children's literary criticism.

Web Resources

1. - A web-based literacy program for boys to help them become self-motivated readers. They have a great list of books for boys (

2. - A non-profit organization committed to transform boys into lifelong readers. They have articles and multimedia educational resources to expalin literacy challenges and how to take action. (

3. Learn NC - This is an article from the University of North Carolina for students desiring to learn more about reading for boys that is filled with statistics and sources for future studies in boy's literacy. (

4. K-12 Academics - This is a resourceful website that discusses the most recent issues regarding boy's literacy. There are several links that explain in depth the critical challenges in education around the world. (

5. International Reading Association - The World's leading organization of literacy professionals. This website is the best contributor to advocate reading among all ages. It is rich with sources concerning reading topics and academic advancement across the globe. Highly recommended for further research! (

Videos Resources

1. William Brozo - Boys and Literacy (

2. Gary Wilson - Engaging Boys In Literacy (

3. Jeffrey Wilhelm - Let's Get Boys Reading and Writing (

4. Jackie Carter - Books for Boys (

5. Richard Hammond - Books for Boys: A Mission Impossible? (